Saturday, July 31, 2010

according to AppBrain, Flash 10.1 BETA 3 for Android has 50,000-250,000 downloads with 9,331 ratings for a 4.65 out of 5 average. Adobe FTW!
Do not disturb me for the next several hours. There's a Zerg threat in need of my attention. The fate of the Universe is in the balance.
"The cool kid" is an acceptable alternative if you can't remember my name. Disregarding the fact I'm 30.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

dropping from 7 to 5 screens & losing the Pure Messenger widget have greatly improved my phone's stability. Android


Well, @ConanOBrien learned of the new Kindle from his iPad. I read about it on my Nexus One.
StarCraft II is the shizzle! Lovin' me some old school style, sci-fi RTS.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 years ago today, serendipity introduced me to the woman who would become my wife.
next up: getting an iOS 4 & Android 2.2 dual boot set-up on my iPhone 3G & configuring it for use as a pre-paid GoPhone. Why? 'Cause I can.

Monday, July 26, 2010

when all else fails … sneakernet.
According to the Library of Congress, jailbreaking your iPhone is considered "fair use".

Sunday, July 25, 2010

the iPhone is like the training bra of smartphones.
New geek pet peeve: "Droid" is the name for Verizon's line of phones; the platform is called Android. And you don't have an iPhone 4G, srsly

Saturday, July 24, 2010

wanna know what I love the most about Android? Widgets & not having my home screen just be 4 rows of icons. My phone has its own personality
asked Hulu about an Android app … got a non-answer. Have decided against getting a Hulu Plus account because of that. Netflix & TPB it is.
this is the first weekend I've had 100% free of work since our honeymoon. It feels weird.

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's pathetic how horrible it is to search the Android Market. Google … Search. Why can't I find anything without knowing its exact name?!
everytime I learn something, I am destroyed and am reborn a new person.
realized web-enabled technology in our house (devices with a full web browser that can connect via WiFi) outnumbers people 6-to-1.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm like a breakfast pastry: light, flaky, and a little fruity.
I'd find it sad that my home Internet connection is faster & more reliable than my work Internet connection if it weren't so frustrating.
Barnes & Noble FINALLY releases their Android e-reader app. Though I still prefer reading on the Nook than a light-emitting screen.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

just got my Hulu Plus invite … but I'm not paying $50/yr for a PS Plus acct to use the PS3 app & still no Android app. Not worth $10/mo yet.
I'm finally gonna do it … gonna root my Nexus One. I want 720p video recording & FM radio. Think I'll watch some .hack//SIGN while I do it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

need to figure out the best way to stream video to the TV in the bedroom. Netbook controlled via VLC Remote for Android perhaps?
It's interesting learning who's using an Android phone based on the client they posted a status update from.
I wonder if there's been any personality analysis of people who look down while walking versus looking forward. I tend to look down.
StarCraft II comes out next week!
it's hard NOT to go organic when they'll delivery it to your house on a schedule.
oh yeah! Watching the first episode of "Out of this World" … subtitled in Arabic. Tomorrow "My Secret Identity" with a young Jerry O'Connell

Friday, July 16, 2010

Google Reader has a "Sort by magic" option for RSS feeds. o_O heh?!? Did Google hire faeries?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We are now an Android household. Just got Mercedes an HTC Aria, the smallest Android phone available, to go with my HTC Nexus One by Google.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a TRUE bacon burger … … I think I have a plan for the weekend. I'll post with my hospital room number for congrats & well-wishes after.

Monday, July 12, 2010

curly quotes are a bane of any program developer's life. I hate you, visual aesthetics!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

AppBrain for Android just made installing apps way easier with its new Fast Web Installer app. Now click "Install" on the website and done!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

MixZing for Android puts a dunces cap on Apple's "genius playlist" with real-time, on-device suggested playlists.
3 weeks til StarCraft II!

Monday, July 05, 2010

Anybody using Orb to stream media to their Android/iPhone/PS3/Xbox/Wii? Wanna be friends?

Sunday, July 04, 2010

just upgraded my Nexus One from 8GB to 16GB MicroSD card. Hopefully 32GB cards will drop in price soon.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

I wish I were here.